Self-Discovery Questions for Personal Growth - PUC2022
It's critical to deal with these emotions as soon as they surface to prevent burnout. Regular self-checks will help you identify the source of your pain and serve as a reminder of your abilities, values, and objectives. Self-Discovery exercises and self-discovery inquiries can be a liberating approach to confront your beliefs, gain understanding of your life's purpose, and use creativity to overcome obstacles.
Benefits of Self-Discovery
We've compiled a list of 57 self-discovery questions to ask yourself to get you started on the path to self-reflection. Start with one every day, then after a few weeks, boost the number to 10 to 15. Filling in the blanks on a journal or pieces of sticky notes for your boards is another way to engage in self-exploration and uncover the answers you're looking for.
1. What are three of my most cherished personal values?
2. What is my purpose in life?
3. What is my personality type?
4. Did I make time for myself this week?
5. Am I making time for my social life?
6. What scares me the most right now?
7. What is something I find inspiring?
8. What is something that brings me joy?
9. When is the last time I gave back to others?
10. What matters to me most right now?
11. What’s something I would like to do more of and why?
12. What’s something I would like to do less of and why?
13. What three words describe me best?
14. What keeps me awake at night?
15. How important is my physical health to me?
16. How important is my mental health to me?
17. Have I been holding myself back in any way?
18. What obstacles get in the way of my happiness?
19. What are my greatest gifts?
20. What could I do to be happier? School
21. What do I love about my classes?
22. What do I hate about my classes?
23. What assignments am I putting off?
24. What is making me feel down about school?
25. What is my biggest accomplishment in school?
26. What is my biggest challenge at school right now?
27. What am I doing to overcome these challenges?
28. What motivates me to go to school?
29. Am I involved in school organizations?
30. Do I find myself feeling envious of my peers?
31. How do I de-stress at school?
32. What distracts me the most from homework?
33. How do I measure my success at school?
34. What are the positives about my job?
35. What about my job causes stress?
36. What is my biggest accomplishment at work?
37. Do I feel fulfilled at work?
38. Do I feel challenged at work?
39. Have I made any mistakes at work lately—and how did I learn from them?
40. Who inspires me in my career?
41. Do I feel comfortable standing up for myself at work?
42. Do I feel seen and heard at work?
43. What are some skills I need to improve on?
44. What is my definition of success?
45. How do I define work-life balance?
46. Do I consider my work to be purposeful?
47. If I didn’t get paid, would I still enjoy my job?
48. Whom do I go to when I need advice?
49. How am I feeling in my family life?
50. What makes me happiest about my family?
51. Are there certain family members who drain my energy?
52. Did a family member make me smile this week and why?
53. Am I holding grudges against a family member? If so, why?
54. What is my favorite memory about my family?
55. Do I listen to my family more than myself?
56. What am I thankful for about my family?
57. Which family member do I admire most?
Checking in with yourself once a week can improve your emotional intelligence and give you clarity, much as adding humor to your life can reduce stress. Finding a work-life balance and identifying your career path and purpose are constant goals for graduate students. It's a good idea to regularly ask yourself the important questions. Save these printable self-discovery questions to your computer and use them as inspiration in your planner or home office.