PUC News

Your Ultimate Checklist for Project U Conference 2023 - In-Person and Online Attendees

Your Ultimate Checklist for Project U Conference 2023 - In-Person and Online Attendees

Whether you're attending in person or joining us virtually from the comfort of your home or office, we want to ensure that you have everything you need to make the most of this incredible event. To help you stay organized and fully prepared, we've put together a comprehensive checklist that covers all the essential details you need to know.


1. Registration Confirmation: Ensure that you have received your registration confirmation email. If you haven't, please reach out to the conference organizers at support@projectuconference.com or admin@projectuconference.com to resolve any issues.

2. Event Dates and Location: For in-person attendees, make a note of the conference date Saturday,7th October 2023 and the physical location at Law Auditorium- University of Ghana, For online attendees, check the time zone conversions and plan accordingly.

3. Agenda and Schedule: Review the conference agenda and schedule to plan your sessions you wish to engage in. By logging into your account you will find attachment Program line up of the full schedule, including keynotes, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities.

4. Attendee Name Check (In-Person Only): If you're attending in person, remember to check your name on the list at the gate for easy access to conference areas.

5. Dress Code (In-Person Only): For in-person attendees, Dress comfortably, but professionally, to make a lasting impression and feel confident.

6. Networking Materials: Prepare your business cards and any promotional materials you'd like to share with fellow attendees or potential collaborators.

7. Digital Devices (Online Only): For online attendees, ensure that your computer or device is ready for streaming sessions, and you have a stable internet connection.

8. Notebook and Pen: Whether you're attending in person or online, bring a notebook and pen to take notes during sessions. Sometimes, the best insights come when you least expect them.

9. Dietary Preferences: If you're attending in person and have specific dietary preferences or allergies, inform the conference organizers in advance. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.

10. Comfort Items (In-Person Only): For in-person attendees, carry essentials like a water bottle, snacks, an umbrella, and a light jacket or sweater for comfort during the event considering the current unstable weather.

11. Test your login on the Conference website (Online Only): Online attendees, test your login on the official Project U Conference website (https://projectuconference.com/login) to access real-time updates, connect with attendees, and navigate the virtual event easily.

12. Transportation (In-Person Only): Ensure you have your transportation in order as the conference is not providing any of such on site.

13. Review Speakers and Exhibitors: Take a moment to review the list of speakers and exhibitors on the website to identify those you'd like to meet and connect with during the conference.

14. Social Media Engagement: Follow Project U Conference on all social media platforms(@projectuconference) to stay updated and engage with other attendees, regardless of whether you're attending in person or online.

15. Questions and Networking Goals: Prepare thoughtful questions and set clear networking goals to make the most of your conference experience, whether you're attending in person or virtually. Remember as a virtual attendee the networking area in your account is for connecting and chatting with other virtual attendees do make use of it.

16. Hygiene and Health Measures (In-Person Only): Stay informed about any health and safety measures in place at the event venue upon your arrival.


With this comprehensive checklist, you're well on your way to having a successful and enriching experience at Project U Conference 2023, whether you're attending in person or online. Keep this attachment handy for quick reference throughout the event, and don't hesitate to reach out to the conference organizers if you have any questions or concerns. We can't wait to see you there, ready to learn, grow, and connect with fellow attendees, no matter where you are! Safe travels, and we look forward to welcoming you to an unforgettable conference.


When accessing the conference we encourage you to watch the 3 lines to the left of your screen which guides you through the most important features to make your virtual conference experience smooth and comfortable.

  1. For the best virtual experience, please ensure that you zoom out on your web browser to see the full screen.
  2. If you are experiencing issues logging in, please clear your browser cache and cookies.
  3. If you are experiencing loading issues, try using a different browser.
  4. We recommend using Google Chrome and Firefox for both Windows and Mac users.


Kindly endeavor to add #PUC2023 #beyondsefdiscoverydialogues to your posts for the day on all social media platforms.


Do have a great experience!