Speaker Bernard Kelvin Clive

He is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Lecturer, Ghana’s foremost authority on Personal branding and Digital Publishing. A Personal Branding Coach and Brand Strategist at BKC Consulting with over 10 years of experience in digital publishing, has offered consulting services to hundreds of writers, poets, authors locally and internationally to self-publish their books. He is an Amazon bestselling author of over 40 published books. He is a familiar face on GTV and other TV stations where he shares his ideas on branding and strategy. His ideas and perspective on branding are touted as unconventional and revolutionary and has won him many admirers including Seth Godin.

In January 2014, Springboard Virtual University named him as one of the ‘Apostles of the New Economy’ leading the revolution in digital publishing. He is the go-to-guy for digital publishing and personal branding.

    • Pioneered Podcasting in Ghana
    • Pioneered Digital Publishing (Amazon Publishing) In Ghana
    • Pioneered the ‘Personal Branding’ movement in Ghana

His Podcast, ‘Personal Branding with Bernard Kelvin Clive’ was named among:

  • 41 Marketing Podcasts you Should be Listening to in 2016 by Trackmaven
  • The Best Marketing Podcasts of 2014 by NR Media Group
  • Top 8 SEO Podcasts in 2014 by HigherVisibility
  • Top 20 SEO & Marketing Podcast by Upcity

He hosts the number #1 ranked Business & Career podcast in Ghana and Botswana on iTunes; interviewed and worked with top bestselling authors and gurus in the personal development arena.

He has interviewed several top names in the branding, personal branding, and self-publishing industry across the globe. Including Seth Godin (One of the most respected thought-leaders in America), Malcolm Levene (One of the UK’s leading personal branding coaches with clients like Tony Blair, actor Tom Cruise), David Meerman Scott (The World’s expert on PR & Marketing), William Arruda(Personal Branding Guru), Viveka Von Rosen (#1 LinkedIn Expert), Melinda Emerson(Small Business Expert & Forbes #1 Influential Woman Entrepreneur), Sue B. Zimmerman (Instagram Expert), Dan Miller( Millionaire, Author 0f 48 Days to the Work you Love, Career Expert), Barry Feldman (Content Marketing Expert), Steve Scott (Amazon Bestselling Author), Mike Michalowitcz (NYT Bestseller), Bob Burg (Bestseller, Brand Coach), Jeff Bullas (#1 Content Marketing Influencer), Dananjaya Hettiarachchi )2014 World Champion of Public Speaking) etc.

As a speaker and trainer, he has delivered speeches and trained people across the country from high schools to tertiary institutions, churches to corporate headquarters.

He also delivered the commencement address at the 46th congregation of the College of Art and Social Science at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Perhaps the most quoted author and motivational speaker in Ghana. Clive is a passionate speaker on the subjects of “Personal Branding” and “Living Your Dreams”: inspiring and empowering souls to achieve their God-given dreams”.

Visit Berbard’s website for more - https://bkc.name/