Speaker Maureen Awino Amakabane


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maureen-amakabane

I am extremely passionate about women and youth socio economic advancement. I believe women and youth are able to achieve socio economic empowerment by leveraging on entrepreneurship and technology as a catalyst.  

I am serial entrepreneur, I have founded a start up in sanitation – Usafi Sanitation Limited, E-Commerce and Market place for women led businesses – Nyayo Moms Sokos Limited, Co-founded a start up in the education space and invested in a local start up in eye care.

My purpose is to encourage women and youth to shift their mindset into entrepreneurship and set up businesses with an intention of creating employment and financial freedom. I therefore train youth and women in entrepreneurship and digital literacy with an intention of skilling them to start their own business or optimize existing businesses. I have incorporated storytelling and will be leveraging on digital tools to amplify micro and small women businesses.